Rasa-rasanya ...Macam mana rupa bentuk ,rasa dan khasiat roselle itu ya ? ...hehehehe ..Sebenarnya Mary pun baru tahu yang rupa bentuk , rasa dan khasiat roselle . Itu pun Aunty Mary yang bawa untuk Mary , kalau tidak entah sampai bila Mary jadi orang gua ni dan baru tahu Roselle ni betul-betul macam Ribena . hahahaha ~
So , Mary pun tanya Mr. Google ni ... Apa itu Roselle aka Ribena kita ni ??!! Macam mana pokok roselle , senang kah nak tanam ni ??!! as google dan kawan + family Mary cakap . Benih Roselle senang nak tumbuh di mana-mana, cuma perlu tunggu 3-4 bulan dah boleh nampak Hasil .. hehehe ~ Mary pun nak CUBA tanam lah ..!!! heheh ..
Anyway,let me share few photo ... ambil dari Mr. google dan blogger lain . sebab Mary tidak pernah tanam dan nampak pun , so .. sini Mary nak share dekat kamu yang tidak pernah nampak pokok roselle macam Mary ni. hehehe ~
Roselle or asam belanda (Hibiscus sabdariffa) ni sebenarnya spesis hibiscus, dan di Malaysia pula memang panggil/mengelar pokok Roselle ni "Ribena plant" sebab juice Roselle memang rasa macam Ribena. Betul ~ sebiji rasa Ribena .. hehehe ~
Tak percaya ??!! Cuba beli buah roselle dan masak sendiri , Mary pertama kali nampak pun khuatir juga . haha ~ bila dah "boiled" dan rasa ....hmmm ~ Cam tak percaya !!!
"boiled " ?? Macam mana Mary "boiled" ??!! hehehe ... nanti Mary bagi Resipi ya .. Sebelum tu Mary betul-betul mahu share dengan uolls yang Roselle memang terbaik !!! Murah dan senang mahu sedia . Mahu tahu kenapa dan apa yang best dia ??!! Jom, baca ni !!
Jangan terkejut, ia mempunyai 3 kali lebih banyak vitamin C daripada anggur. Dr. Abdul Aziz Sharaf dari Sudan Research Unit, Institute of African and Asian Studies telah mengadakan penelitian mengenai khasiat bunga rozel dan mendapat Khasiat:
- Membantu proses pencernaan, meningkatkan kelenjar usus dan berfungsi sbg tonik.- Memperlancar peredaran darah.- Mengubati luka luar dan dalam.- Mengubati penyakit kulit, menghaluskan kulit dan memperlambat penuaan, menyebabkan wajah nampak muda dan berseri.
- Sbg diuretic, penurun suhu dan pereda rasa nyeri (penenang alami.)
- Bersifat detoksifikasi, membuang racun.
- Mempunyai efek anti kejang otot.
- Memiliki zat anti bakteria dan anti virus.
- Membunuh bakteria penyebab TBC.
- Memiliki zat anti kejang saluran pernafasan
- Mencegah peradangan pada saluran kencing dan pembentukan batu karang.
- Mencegah penyakit jantung.
- Mengatasi masalah selsema, batuk, dan demam.
- Mengubati asma dan alergi.- Mengubati insomnia.- Menormalkan kadar gula darah, tekanan darah, kolestrol, dan asam urat.
- Mengatasi penyakit kardiovaskular/darah tinggi.
- Vitamin C dan serat yang tinggi yang terdapat dalam rozel mampu bertindak sebagai anti oksidan dan sebagai anti kanser.
- Meningkatkan stamina dan daya tahan tubuh- Menyihatkan mata- Menyeimbangkan berat badan.
- Mengurangi panas dalam .
- Menurunkan tingkat penggumpalan lemak di hati.
- Mengubati pening kepala/migraine.
- Membantu memulihkan dari ketergantungan ubat dan alkohol.
- Menghilangkan sakit sakit di badan.
- Membantu mencerdaskan otak pada anak-anak kerana mengandungi Omega 3 dan DHA
- Dapat mengurangi risiko osteoporosis.
- Mengobati sakit tenggorokan dan sawan.
- Mengatasi masalah stress/tekanan.
fuuuhhhh ~ Banyak kan khasiat dan kebaikan Roselle ??!! Mary pun rasa wow , Is it true ??!! The most thing i want is inner and outer benefit ... Jimat , it's really save a lot of money ... hehehe ~
and Sebenarnya Roselle ni banyak yg boleh buat seperti buat Jelly/puding , buat juice/tea ,ice cream , syrup dan banyak lagi !! Best kan ..??!! hehehe .. Memang pun best . Hari ini Mary dan adik kesayangan Mary buat juice dan Jelly . And of course my sister will be my assistant as i always do , for her to learn and to be independent . hehehe ~ Sorry ya Mary ... Lupa pula mahu ambil gambar hasil tangan Mary + adik Mary . heheh ~Terlalu ingatkan roselle ja .. Sebab itu Mary lupa ambil gambar ...
Jangan Marah , nanti cepat tua !! ^_^
Roselle juice is Superb and very easy to make. Simply guna jerr tangan to peel the calyx and remove the seed capsule. Pastu place the calyx with the water into a large pot and boil for 15-20 minutes. lagi lama uolls "boiled" , the more concentrated the juice will be.
At this point, roselle juice will have a sourish taste, Mary letak 3-4 tablespoons of sugar for taste, or can also use honey.
*noted : Healthy drink with healthy choice ... bila ingat nak rasa manis , please ingat madu/gula perang. ^_^
*noted : Healthy drink with healthy choice ... bila ingat nak rasa manis , please ingat madu/gula perang. ^_^
Roselle juice is best served chilled, with lots of ice for a refreshing drink. For kids pula , better serve it to them cooled at room temperature. ^_^ ok ... few info there ...
Get ready your pencil and paper ,please ~ Sharing recipe is here ..!!!
Roselle juice/drink/tea
-Preparation time: 10 minutes
-Cooking time: 15-20 minutes
-Serves 4
-20 roselle calyx
- 2liter water
-3-4 tbsp caster sugar, to taste
Honey (optional)
1. Firstly, peel the seed out of the calyx. You can just use your fingers but be careful as some parts of the seeds are prickly.
2. Place roselle and water in a large pot and boil over medium high heat for 15-20 minutes. The longer you boil it, the more concentrate the juice will taste.
3. Stir in sugar, to taste.
4. Allow to cool to room temperature, then chill in fridge and serve with lots of ice cubes. If you like, you can add some honey before serving.
-Preparation time: 10 minutes
-Cooking time: 15-20 minutes
-Serves 4
-20 roselle calyx
- 2liter water
-3-4 tbsp caster sugar, to taste
Honey (optional)
1. Firstly, peel the seed out of the calyx. You can just use your fingers but be careful as some parts of the seeds are prickly.
2. Place roselle and water in a large pot and boil over medium high heat for 15-20 minutes. The longer you boil it, the more concentrate the juice will taste.
3. Stir in sugar, to taste.
4. Allow to cool to room temperature, then chill in fridge and serve with lots of ice cubes. If you like, you can add some honey before serving.
Senang bukan ??!!! Now ... Mary want to share how to make Roselle Jelly ..!! yum yum yum ~ Nice and easy yo make !!
Roselle juice/drink/tea
-Preparation time: 10 minutes
-Cooking time: 8-10 minutes
-Serves : 8- 10 pax
Ingredients- 10g konnyaku jelly powder (1 packet)
-130g sugar-800ml water ( i used Roselle Juice)
1. Put the konnyaku jelly powder and sugar in a bowl. Mix till well combined. Set aside.
2. In a pot, roselle juice and pickled. Bring to boil. Slowly add in mixture of sugar konnyaku jelly powder mixture. Whisk as you add until all konnyaku jelly powder dissolve.
3. Fill the mould with some of pickled roselle. Spoon the konnyaku batter into the mold. Leave to cool for about 10-15 minutes.
4. Keep inside fridge for an hour or until set. Enjoy!
Roselle juice/drink/tea
-Preparation time: 10 minutes
-Cooking time: 8-10 minutes
-Serves : 8- 10 pax
Ingredients- 10g konnyaku jelly powder (1 packet)
-130g sugar-800ml water ( i used Roselle Juice)
1. Put the konnyaku jelly powder and sugar in a bowl. Mix till well combined. Set aside.
2. In a pot, roselle juice and pickled. Bring to boil. Slowly add in mixture of sugar konnyaku jelly powder mixture. Whisk as you add until all konnyaku jelly powder dissolve.
3. Fill the mould with some of pickled roselle. Spoon the konnyaku batter into the mold. Leave to cool for about 10-15 minutes.
4. Keep inside fridge for an hour or until set. Enjoy!
nah ~ dah siap salin dan fahami ??!! Senang saja kan ??? Jom, cari roselle and make ur own "Ribena " and Jelly !! hehehe ~ Good Luck and pssst ... Share me recipe if u done v new flavor/idea .. hehe !!
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